印度的NIRI指数提升了基础设施,将印度的全球排名提升了11位。 India's NIRI index boosts infrastructure, propelling the country's global ranking up by eleven places.
印度财政部赞扬了2024年9月启动的国家基础设施准备程度指数(NIRI),该指数促进了基础设施发展和各州之间的竞争性联邦制。 India's Finance Ministry has praised the National Infrastructure Readiness Index (NIRI), launched in September 2024, for promoting infrastructure development and competitive federalism among states. NIRI帮助印度改善了其网络准备状态指数,全球排名为第49位,全球排名为11位,中低收入国家排名第二。 The NIRI has helped India improve its Network Readiness Index ranking by eleven places to 49th globally and second in lower-middle-income countries. 该指数评估了国家对基础设施项目的准备状态,鼓励业绩改进和数字转换。 This index evaluates states' readiness for infrastructure projects, encouraging performance improvements and digital transformation.