新西兰医院牧师服务单位强调包容性和整体护理。 Hospital chaplaincy service in New Zealand rebrands to emphasize inclusivity and holistic care.
Aotearoa医院,前称医院牧师理事会,已重新命名,以更好地反映其向病人、家属和新西兰全国36家医院的工作人员提供同情支持的使命。 Hospital Chaplaincy Aotearoa, formerly known as the Interchurch Council for Hospital Chaplaincy, has rebranded to better reflect its mission of providing compassionate support to patients, families, and staff in 36 hospitals across New Zealand. 本组织现在包括以其名义翻译的毛利语译文,强调包容性及其与Te Whare Tapa Whā(一种整体健康模式)的一致性。 The organization now includes a Māori translation in its name, emphasizing inclusivity and its alignment with Te Whare Tapa Whā, a holistic health model. 该团体有90多名牧师,无论信仰如何,都提供精神和情感支持,增进整体福祉。 With over 90 chaplains, the group offers spiritual and emotional support regardless of faith, enhancing overall well-being.