俄克拉荷马电视台KFOR赢得了一场法律战, Oklahoma TV station KFOR won a legal battle, securing media access to State Board meetings.
俄克拉荷马电视台KFOR赢得了对州长瑞安沃尔特斯的法律诉讼, Oklahoma TV station KFOR has won a legal battle against State Superintendent Ryan Walters, ensuring access to State Board of Education meetings and press conferences. 和解协议包括象征性地支付 17.91 美元,以代表第一修正案获得批准的那一年,保证 KFOR 在不承认任何不当行为的情况下访问。 The settlement, which includes a symbolic payment of $17.91 to represent the year the First Amendment was ratified, guarantees KFOR's access without admitting to any wrongdoing. 本案强调了媒体获取公共信息的重要性。 This case emphasizes the importance of media access to public information.