尼日利亚总统提努布强调人工智能在安全方面的作用, 91名毕业生完成了人工智能培训. Nigerian President Tinubu stresses AI's role in security, as 91 graduates complete AI training.
尼日利亚总统博拉·蒂努布在举行仪式时强调了人工智能在加强安全方面的作用, Nigerian President Bola Tinubu highlighted the role of AI in enhancing security during a ceremony where 91 graduates received Fellowships after completing a ten-month AI training course. 提努布承诺加强人工智能和机构间合作, 以提高国家安全. Tinubu pledged to boost AI and inter-agency cooperation to improve national security. 培训在国家安全研究所举办,参加者包括来自非洲各国的学员。 The training, held at the National Institute for Security Studies, included participants from various African countries.