巴基斯坦领导人玛利亚姆·纳瓦兹访问中国,以加强在治理、技术和可再生能源领域的合作。 Pakistani leader Maryam Nawaz visits China to boost cooperation in governance, tech, and renewable energy.
旁遮普省第一位女首席部长Maryam Nawaz应中国共产党的邀请,对中国进行了为期八天的访问。 Maryam Nawaz, Punjab's first female chief minister, is on an eight-day visit to China, invited by the Communist Party of China. 她率领一个高级别代表团参观北京、上海、深圳和广州,会见官员,以加强在治理、农业、技术和基础设施方面的合作。 She is touring Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Guangzhou with a high-level delegation, meeting officials to enhance cooperation in governance, agriculture, technology, and infrastructure. 此次访问包括探索保健、教育和可再生能源系统,最后在旁遮普省中国晚餐和投资会议上结束。 The visit includes exploring healthcare, education, and renewable energy systems, and culminates in the Punjab China Dinner and Investment Conference. 在离开之前,Nawaz启动了一项计划,为旁遮普省10万户家庭提供免费太阳能电池板。 Before leaving, Nawaz launched a scheme to provide free solar panels to 100,000 households in Punjab.