上海成为科技枢纽, 以数十亿的融资方式, 提升知识产权保护与创新。 Shanghai emerges as a tech hub, boosting IP protection and innovation with billions in financing.
上海正在成为全球科学和技术枢纽,强调知识产权保护和创新。 Shanghai is becoming a global hub for science and technology, emphasizing IP protection and innovation. 拥有超过24000家科技企业和近40家独角兽企业, 该市的IP承诺资金去年创纪录达230亿元(31.6亿美元)。 With over 24,000 tech enterprises and nearly 40 unicorns, the city's IP pledge financing reached a record 23 billion yuan ($3.16 billion) last year. 上海与知识产权组织的伙伴关系于2014年签署, 支持本地及外国企业, Shanghai's partnership with the WIPO, signed in 2014, supports local and foreign businesses, enhancing its role as a key center for IP activity in China and globally.