由于财政健康和经济前景改善,惠誉评级提升了塞浦路斯的信用评级。 Fitch Ratings upgrades Cyprus' credit rating due to improved fiscal health and economic prospects.
惠誉评级将塞浦路斯的信用评级从“BBB+”提升为“A”, Fitch Ratings has upgraded Cyprus' credit rating to 'A-' from 'BBB+', citing rapid debt reduction, strong fiscal surpluses, and improved economic prospects. 这一升级反映了塞浦路斯成功的财政管理和银行部门改善,预计明年债务将下降到GDP的60%以下。 The upgrade reflects Cyprus' successful fiscal management and banking sector improvements, with debt expected to drop below 60% of GDP next year. 预计这种评级提升将吸引更多的外国投资。 This rating boost is expected to attract more foreign investment.