英国男子在家中装饰30,000个灯光, 以纪念已故伴侣, 为空中救护车筹集资金。 UK man decorates home with 30,000 lights in memory of late partner, raising funds for air ambulance.
来自埃塞克斯州切姆斯福德59岁的Paul Bibby, 18年来一直用精心设计的圣诞灯来装饰他的家。 Paul Bibby, a 59-year-old from Chelmsford, Essex, has been decorating his home with elaborate Christmas lights for 18 years. 今年,他把展品,包括30 000多个灯光和70 000个灯泡,献给他的已故伴侣林达·坎明斯,后者死于心脏病。 This year, he dedicated the display, which includes over 30,000 lights and 70,000 bulbs, to his late partner, Lynda Cummings, who died from heart problems. 这个展品也为埃塞克斯空中救护车募集资金, 去年募集2500英镑。 The display also raises funds for the Essex Air Ambulance, collecting £2,500 last year. 尽管有300英镑的电费帐单, 但Bibby仍延续着Lynda的传统, Lynda热爱节日庆典。 Despite the £300 electricity bill, Bibby continues the tradition in memory of Lynda, who loved the holiday festivities.