77 岁的卡米拉王后从肺炎中康复,因疾病和疲劳错过了王室活动。 Queen Camilla, 77, recovers from pneumonia, missing royal events due to illness and fatigue.
77 岁的卡米拉王后正在从肺炎中恢复,肺炎导致她错过了几项王室活动,包括卡塔尔国事访问和阵亡将士纪念日仪式的部分活动。 Queen Camilla, 77, is recovering from pneumonia, which has caused her to miss several royal events, including parts of the Qatari state visit and Remembrance Day ceremonies. 虽然她不再感染,但她仍然经历着病毒后疲劳,医生建议她休息。 Though she no longer has the infection, she is still experiencing post-viral fatigue and has been advised by doctors to rest. 尽管她的健康问题,但预计她将在康复后恢复她的王室职责。 Despite her health issues, she is expected to resume her royal duties as she recovers.