三分之一以上的妇女选择了人工乳房X光检查,检测到的癌症比定期扫描多43%。 Over a third of women choose AI-enhanced mammograms, detecting 43% more cancers than regular scans.
在北美放射学会会议上进行的一项研究表明,三分之一以上的妇女选择采用AI强化乳房X光检查方案,尽管她们有自付费用的要求。 A study at the Radiological Society of North America meeting showed that over a third of women are opting for an AI-enhanced mammogram program, despite the self-pay requirement. 人工智能方案检测到的癌症比常规乳房X光检查多43%,增加的21%归因于人工智能,其余则归因于选择注册的高风险参与者。 The AI program detected 43% more cancers than regular mammograms, with 21% of the increase attributed to AI and the rest to higher-risk participants choosing to enroll. 癌症阳性预测值对于使用人工智能的人来说也高出15%。 The positive predictive value for cancer was also 15% higher for those using AI.