美国看到气候技术的重大进步,包括新的离岸风力农场和碳清除厂。 America sees major climate tech advancements, including new offshore wind farms and carbon-removal plants.
今年气候技术取得重大进展,包括美国第一个大型离岸风力发电场和碳清除厂开张。 This year saw significant progress in climate technology, including America's first large offshore wind farm and a carbon-removal plant opening. 敦促风险资本家投资于早期阶段的气候启动企业,以避免错过可扩展的机会。 Venture capitalists are urged to invest in early-stage climate startups to avoid missing out on scalable opportunities. 比尔·盖茨的《突破能源报告》强调了为绿色钢和氢基燃料等创新提供资金的重要性,强调了企业对生态友好解决方案的主导作用。 Bill Gates' Breakthrough Energy report highlights the importance of funding innovations like green steel and hydrogen-based fuels, emphasizing the corporate pivot towards eco-friendly solutions.