斯里兰卡海军逮捕了18名印度渔民,争端升级,自6月以来逮捕了425名渔民。 Sri Lankan Navy arrests 18 Indian fishermen, escalating a dispute that has seen 425 arrests since June.
12月3日,来自泰米尔纳德邦的18名渔民因据称越境进入斯里兰卡水域被斯里兰卡海军逮捕。 On December 3, 18 fishermen from Tamil Nadu were arrested by the Sri Lankan Navy for allegedly crossing into Sri Lankan waters. 这一事件与6月16日以来的趋势相同,当时逮捕了泰米尔纳德邦的泰米尔族渔民,扣押了58艘船只。 This incident follows a trend since June 16, where 425 Tamil Nadu fishermen have been arrested and 58 boats seized. 渔民协会正在策划抗议活动, 印度外交部长敦促斯里兰卡停止拘留和扣押船只。 Fishermen's associations are planning protests, and India's External Affairs Minister has urged Sri Lanka to stop the detentions and boat seizures.