欧洲央行官方警告美国关税会降低增长和通胀,从而伤害欧洲经济。 ECB official warns US tariffs could hurt European economy by reducing growth and inflation.
欧洲央行成员Cipollone警告说,美国关税会降低增长和通货膨胀,从而损害欧洲经济,可能导致消费和价格压力降低。 ECB member Cipollone warns that US tariffs could harm the European economy by reducing growth and inflation, potentially leading to lower consumption and price pressures. 影响的严重程度可能因欧洲的报复措施而异。 The impact's severity may vary depending on Europe's retaliatory measures. 尽管对具体价格影响存在不同看法,但对于关税的总体负面经济影响达成了共识。 Despite differing views on specific price effects, there's consensus on tariffs' overall negative economic impact.