索马里参议员Hassan Kobac通过水项目、教育和经济举措向国家提供援助。 Somali senator Hassan Kobac aids country through water projects, education, and economic initiatives.
索马里著名参议员兼商人Hassan Idow Muhumed Kobac正在通过其慈善努力对索马里产生重大影响。 Hassan Idow Muhumed Kobac, a prominent Somali senator and businessman, is making significant impacts in Somalia through his philanthropic efforts. 作为哈桑·科巴茨基金会的创始人,他通过修建井眼、支持教育以及通过他在摩加迪沙的房地产项目为流离失所家庭提供住所,解决水资源短缺问题。 As the founder of the Hassan Kobac Foundation, he has addressed water scarcity by building boreholes, supported education, and provided shelter for displaced families through his real estate projects in Mogadishu. 此外,Kobac正在使树胶树脂工业现代化,旨在振兴农业和畜牧业,为青年创造机会,促进经济增长。 Additionally, Kobac is modernizing the gum resin industry and aims to revitalize agriculture and livestock sectors, creating opportunities for youth and promoting economic growth.