一份报告详述了临时助产士与婴儿死亡和母亲遗漏败血症有关的严重疏忽。 A report details severe negligence by a locum midwife linked to a baby's death and missed sepsis in the mother.
一份报告发现,临时助产士提供的护理存在严重缺陷,导致一名婴儿因肩难产而死亡。 A report found serious shortcomings in care provided by a locum midwife, leading to the death of a baby due to shoulder dystocia. 助产士没有遵循适当程序,包括对母亲和婴儿的监测不足。 The midwife failed to follow proper procedures, including inadequate monitoring of the mother and baby. 助产婆对产后护理处理不当,母亲身上缺乏败血症的症状。 The locum midwife also mishandled postnatal care, missing signs of sepsis in the mother. 报告建议对助产士进行进一步培训,并由新西兰助产士理事会进行审查。 The report recommends additional training for the midwife and a review by the Midwifery Council of New Zealand.