新西兰马主在她的马因烟花恐惧而死亡后,寻求禁止公开放烟火。 New Zealand horse owner seeks ban on public fireworks after her horse died from fireworks scare.
新西兰丰盛湾的一位马主呼吁禁止公共烟花销售,因为她的马 Rockafella 可能因为被烟花吓到并撞到栅栏而受了致命伤。 A horse owner in New Zealand's Bay of Plenty is calling for a ban on public fireworks sales after her horse, Rockafella, was fatally injured, likely from being spooked by fireworks and running into a fence. 这一事件引发了由75 000多人签署的请愿书,SPCA和NZ兽医协会也支持一项禁令。 The incident has sparked a petition signed by over 75,000 people, with the SPCA and NZ Veterinary Association also supporting a ban. 环境部长Penny Simmonds正在考虑这些限制措施。 Environment Minister Penny Simmonds is considering these restrictions.