一名男子报告在劳恩代尔偷走了4,500美元的包裹, Man reports $4,500 package theft in Lawndale, echoing recent Orange County incident.
一名在劳恩代尔的男子报告说, 一个价值4,500美元的包裹被盗, A man in Lawndale has reported a $4,500 package theft, similar to a recent incident in Orange County. 受害者声称,他们的包裹是在他们离开外面送货后被带走的。 The victims claim their packages were taken after they were left outside for delivery. 当局正在调查这些大胆的盗窃行为,这引起了对该地区安保和一揽子运输安全的关切。 Authorities are investigating these bold thefts, which are raising concerns about security and package delivery safety in the area.