尽管存在在线竞争,印度实体电子商店以10%的年增长率蓬勃发展。 Despite online competition, physical electronics stores in India are thriving with a 10% annual growth rate.
印度的Brick-and-mortar电子零售商蓬勃发展,尽管网上销售商竞争激烈,这要归功于纪律严明的经营和制造商的有力支持。 Brick-and-mortar electronic retailers in India are thriving despite competition from online sellers, thanks to disciplined operations and strong support from manufacturers. 在过去五年中,该部门的年增长率为10%,这得益于技术进步和消费者消费力的提高。 The sector has seen a 10% annual growth over the past five years, fueled by technological advancements and increasing consumer spending power. 然而,全球经济不确定性和家庭收入疲软对未来需求构成挑战。 However, global economic uncertainties and weak household incomes pose challenges to future demand.