阿塞拜疆家庭返回重建的Jabrayil,作为流离失所者重新安置方案的一部分。 Azerbaijani families return to rebuilt Jabrayil as part of a resettlement program for displaced persons.
12月2日,34个家庭(129人)从巴库迁至重建的城市Jabrayil,这是阿塞拜疆在前被占领土重新安置境内流离失所者方案的一部分。 On December 2, 34 families (129 people) moved from Baku to the rebuilt city of Jabrayil as part of Azerbaijan's program to resettle internally displaced persons in formerly occupied territories. 这些家庭感谢伊利哈姆·阿利耶夫总统和阿塞拜疆军队的支持。 The families thanked President Ilham Aliyev and the Azerbaijani Army for their support. 在该区域,大约30 000人正在致力于振兴卫生、教育和工业等领域。 In the region, about 30,000 people are working on revitalizing areas like health, education, and industry. 这一举动标志着阿塞拜疆在努力恢复对亚美尼亚以前占领的土地的控制方面迈出了重要的一步。 The move marks a significant step in Azerbaijan's efforts to restore control over lands previously occupied by Armenia.