联合王国医生和TikTok影响者Karan Raj博士博士提倡进行新的呼吸测试,以早期检测胰腺癌。 UK doctor and TikTok influencer Dr. Karan Raj promotes new breath test for early pancreatic cancer detection.
英国医生Karan Raj博士和TikTok健康影响者TikTok对胰腺癌提出警告,这种癌症由于其微妙的症状,往往在晚期才会被发现。 Dr. Karan Raj, a UK doctor and TikTok health influencer, warns about pancreatic cancer, which often goes undetected until advanced stages due to its subtle symptoms. 这种癌症是联合王国第十大最常见的癌症,每天约有30例新病例。 This cancer is the tenth most common in the UK, with around 30 new cases daily. Raj博士正在推广一种新的呼吸测试,可以更早地检测该疾病,有可能挽救许多生命,但测试需要更多研究资金。 Dr. Raj is promoting a new breath test that could detect the disease earlier, potentially saving many lives, but the test needs more research funding. 他正透过TikTok平台筹集资金, 并计划经营2025年伦敦马拉松, He is raising funds through his TikTok platform and plans to run the 2025 London Marathon to support Pancreatic Cancer UK.