TikToker警告在儿子床后的模具,强调健康风险和预防措施。 TikToker warns of mould behind son's bed, highlighting health risks and preventive measures.
一名TikTok用户警告她不要在儿子的床后找到模具,强调必须定期搬家检查。 A TikTok user warned about finding mould behind her son's bed, stressing the need to regularly move furniture for checks. 根据《国民保健制度》,墙纸上的伤口可能导致过敏反应、呼吸道问题和哮喘病发作。 Mould on the wallpaper can cause allergic reactions, respiratory issues, and asthma attacks, according to the NHS. 她寻求咨询,接受诸如使用脱湿器、打开窗户、用醋溶液或温水和洗碗剂清洗等建议。 She sought advice, receiving tips like using a dehumidifier, opening windows, and cleaning with a vinegar solution or warm water and dish detergent.