得克萨斯州Tech击败西弗吉尼亚州52-15 以强大的第二季度表现为动力。 Texas Tech thrashed West Virginia 52-15, powered by a strong second-quarter performance.
在11月29日的一场大学足球比赛中, 得克萨斯州技师击败了西弗吉尼亚州52-15。 In a college football game on November 29, Texas Tech defeated West Virginia 52-15. 得克萨斯科技在第二季度的强劲表现 是他们获胜的关键 Texas Tech's strong performance in the second quarter was key to their victory. 德州理工大学在半场休息前以6比3领先. At the end of the first quarter, the score was tied at 3, but Texas Tech took the lead with a 6-3 advantage before halftime.