沙特王储在12月5日举行的欧佩克+石油会议之前访问阿联酋。 Saudi Crown Prince visits UAE ahead of crucial OPEC+ oil meeting on December 5th.
沙特王储穆罕默德·本·萨勒曼在12月5日欧佩克+石油政策会议之前,三年来首次访问阿联酋。 Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman visited the UAE for the first time in three years, ahead of an OPEC+ oil policy meeting on December 5th. 原先为早些时候安排的会议因海湾首脑会议而推迟。 The meeting, originally set for earlier, was postponed due to a Gulf Summit. 议程的关键是阿联酋于6月商定从2025年1月开始提高产出。 Key on the agenda is a UAE output hike agreed in June, to start in January 2025. 尽管偶尔发生经济竞争,但这些国家是传统盟友。 Despite occasional economic rivalries, the countries are traditional allies. 皇太子到访的原因没有披露。 The reason for the crown prince's visit was not disclosed.