巴基斯坦监狱官员否认Imran Khan被移送的传闻;他直到12月2日仍在看守之下。 Pakistani jail officials deny rumors of Imran Khan's transfer; he remains under guard until December 2.
巴基斯坦监狱官员否认Imran Khan从Adiala监狱转押的消息。 Jail officials in Pakistan have denied rumors of Imran Khan's transfer from Adiala Jail. 前总理兼PTI领导人Khan因9月28日抗议事件, 仍被还押在监狱, 直至12月2日。 Khan, the former prime minister and leader of PTI, remains in the jail under physical remand until December 2, related to a case from the September 28 protest. 他受到不断的医疗监督,每天接受健康检查,并获得包括安全在内的一切必要设施。 He is under constant medical supervision, with daily health checks, and is provided all necessary facilities including security.