马歇尔大学的足球队克服了17-0的缺点,在加时赛中以35-33获胜, 确保了太阳带东部冠军. Marshall University's football team overcame a 17-0 deficit to win 35-33 in overtime, securing the Sun Belt East title.
马歇尔大学的足球队以35比33的加时战胜詹姆斯麦迪逊,克服17比0的逆差,获得了太阳带东部联盟冠军. Marshall University's football team secured the Sun Belt Conference East title with a 35-33 overtime win over James Madison, overcoming an 17-0 deficit. 马歇尔在第三节以24比7的比分复出, 通过两分转换获得胜利. Marshall staged a comeback, scoring 24-7 in the third quarter, and clinched victory with a two-point conversion. 这场胜利使马歇尔晋级与路易斯安那州的太阳带冠军赛。 The win advances Marshall to the Sun Belt title game against Louisiana. 詹姆斯·麦迪逊在赛季第一次失去家园 James Madison suffered their first home loss of the season.