詹姆斯支助小组面临资金危机,正在努力满足高原地区的心理健康需求。 James Support Group, facing funding crisis, struggles to meet mental health needs in Highlands.
詹姆斯支助小组(James Suplication Gromarty)是为纪念一名年轻自杀受害者而设立的一个基于Cromarty的慈善机构,尽管对其服务的需求不断增长,但它仍然面临资金危机。 The James Support Group, a Cromarty-based charity set up in memory of a young suicide victim, is facing a funding crisis despite growing demand for its services. 该小组由Patrick创立,旨在填补高地的心理健康资源缺口,那里只有两名国家医疗服务系统的心理医生。 Founded by Patrick, the group aims to fill mental health resource gaps in the Highlands, where only two NHS psychiatrists serve. 尽管今年所有资助申请都被拒绝, 慈善机构相信它能防止危机并节省政府资金。 Despite being turned down for all funding applications this year, the charity believes it prevents crises and saves government money. 捐款可通过其网站接受。 Donations are accepted through their website.