土著群体在全球塑料污染交易中主张健康保护。 Indigenous groups push for health protections in global plastic pollution deal.
来自世界各地的土著群体正在主张在全球协议中加强健康保护,以减少塑料污染。 Indigenous groups from around the world are advocating for stronger health protections in a global deal to reduce plastic pollution. 在南朝鲜釜山谈判期间,他们争辩说,塑料生产和处置导致了健康问题,如罕见疾病和接触有害化学品等。 During negotiations in Busan, South Korea, they argue that plastic production and disposal have led to health issues like rare diseases and exposure to harmful chemicals. 虽然该交易草案承认塑料是健康问题,但缺乏专门的保健部分,关于减少塑料生产和逐步淘汰有害化学品的讨论仍在继续。 While the draft deal acknowledges plastic as a health problem, it lacks a dedicated health section, and discussions on reducing plastic production and phasing out harmful chemicals continue.