星期五,在休斯敦西北部,两名消防员在与一场房屋火灾作战时受伤。 Two firefighters were injured while battling a house fire in northwest Houston on Friday.
星期五下午,两名消防员在休斯敦西北部Cindy Lane6200街区的一场房屋火灾中受伤。 Two firefighters were injured on Friday afternoon while fighting a house fire in the 6200 block of Cindy Lane in northwest Houston. 下午4时30分左右,消防局派出十支部队前往现场。 The fire department dispatched ten units to the scene around 4:30 p.m. 随着调查的继续,火灾原因和受伤消防人员的状况仍然不明。 The cause of the fire and the conditions of the injured firefighters remain unknown as the investigation continues.