佛罗里达的建筑商创建了抗飓风的社区,以对抗不断上升的风暴威胁。 Florida builders create hurricane-resistant communities to combat rising storm threats.
佛罗里达开发商正在建设抗飓风社区, 使用钢带等技术保障住宅安全, Florida developers are building hurricane-resistant communities using techniques like steel straps to secure homes and "smart lakes" to reduce flooding. 由于气候危机引发的暴风雨更厉害, 随着保险费和HAA费用上涨, 这些具有复原力的家庭越来越受欢迎。 These resilient homes are gaining popularity as insurance premiums and HOA fees rise, driven by more powerful storms due to the climate crisis. 实例包括猎人点和Babcock牧场。 Examples include Hunters Point and Babcock Ranch.