美国保守派Candace Owens因争议性言论被禁止进入新西兰、澳大利亚。 US conservative Candace Owens banned from New Zealand, Australia over controversial remarks.
美国保守评论家Candace Owens(Candace Owens)因对犹太人和穆斯林的争议性言论而被拒绝签证进入新西兰和澳大利亚。 US conservative commentator Candace Owens has been denied visas to enter New Zealand and Australia due to her controversial remarks about Jews and Muslims. 与此同时,巴黎圣母大教堂定于12月8日重新开放,尽管脚手架将保留到2025年。 Meanwhile, Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris is set to reopen on December 8th, though scaffolding will remain until 2025. 美国棒球明星Shohei Ohtani正在寻求325,000美元的棒球卡, Baseball star Shohei Ohtani is seeking $325,000 in baseball cards from his ex-interpreter, who spent Ohtani's money on gambling and personal debts. 科罗拉多州Boulder的警察驳斥了1996年Jon Benet Ramsey案中忽视证据的指控,该案件从Netflix的纪录片中重新引起注意。 Police in Boulder, Colorado, refute claims of neglecting evidence in the 1996 JonBenet Ramsey case, which gained new attention from a Netflix documentary. 一名联邦法官驳回了前海军陆战队员在2021年1月6日国会大起义期间提出的谤诉讼. A federal judge dismissed a defamation lawsuit against Fox News brought by a former Marine who claimed false accusations during the January 6, 2021, Capitol insurrection. 太阳风暴可能在本感恩节 在整个北方各州 产生微弱的极光 Solar storms may produce faint auroras across northern states this Thanksgiving.