Jason Sanjay, 演员Thaladepathy Vijay的儿子, 将在2025年以电影导演的身份首次出场。 Jason Sanjay, son of actor Thalapathy Vijay, is set to debut as a film director in 2025.
Jason Sanjay, 演员Thalapathy Vijay的儿子, 准备以一部以Sundepiep Kishan为主的电影为主的导演首映。 Jason Sanjay, son of actor Thalapathy Vijay, is set to make his directorial debut with a film starring Sundeep Kishan. 这部影片由Lyca制片公司制作,其标题和流派尚未揭晓,但拍摄预计将于2025年1月开始。 Produced by Lyca Productions, the film's title and genre are yet to be revealed, but shooting is expected to start in January 2025. Jason Sanjay在多伦多和伦敦学习电影制作和编剧。 Jason Sanjay studied film production and screenwriting in Toronto and London. 这部影片将播放Thaman S的音乐和Praveen KL的剪辑。 The film will feature music by Thaman S and editing by Praveen KL.