爱尔兰的消费者监督员指控零售商在大销售期间假折扣。 Ireland's consumer watchdog sues retailers for alleged fake discounts during big sales.
爱尔兰消费者监督员CCPC正在对几家零售商采取法律行动,指控他们在黑色星期五和1月销售期间提供假折扣。 Ireland's consumer watchdog, the CCPC, is taking legal action against several retailers for allegedly offering fake discounts during Black Friday and January sales. 委员会发现普遍违反定价法,并将在1月将案件提交法院。 The commission found widespread breaches of pricing laws and will bring cases to court in January. 促请消费者报告任何可疑的假折扣。 Consumers are urged to report any suspected fake discounts. CPPC还呼吁加大罚款力度,阻止零售商误导消费者。 The CCPC also calls for tougher fines to deter retailers from misleading consumers.