GeoPark以530万美元购买Repsol的哥伦比亚资产,使石油产量每天增加16 000桶。 GeoPark buys Repsol's Colombian assets for $530M, boosting oil production by 16,000 barrels daily.
GeoPark有限公司已同意购买哥伦比亚的某些Repsol资产,价值约5.3亿美元,包括债务。 GeoPark Limited has agreed to purchase certain Repsol assets in Colombia for about $530 million, including debt. 这笔交易包括CPO-9区45%的股份和SierraCol Energy Arauca LLC25%的股份,SierraCol Energy Arauca公司截至2024年9月每天共生产约16 000桶等量石油。 The deal includes a 45% stake in the CPO-9 Block and a 25% interest in SierraCol Energy Arauca LLC, which together produced around 16,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day as of September 2024. 这一收购支持GeoPark在高价值拉丁美洲石油和天然气区域扩展的战略。 This acquisition supports GeoPark's strategy to expand in high-value Latin American oil and gas regions.