随着土地价值的飙升和人口的增长,农业与家庭相结合,昆士兰地区农业正在蓬勃发展。 Agrihoods, mixing farming with homes, are booming in Queensland as land values soar and population grows.
由于四年来土地价值上升70%,人口增长370 000人,把农耕与居民生活结合起来的农业在昆士兰日益受欢迎。 Agrihoods, combining farming with residential living, are gaining popularity in Queensland as land values rise by 70% over four years and the population grows by 370,000. 史蒂夫·格里斯特 (Steve Grist)、汤姆·史密斯 (Tom Smith) 和韦恩·西摩 (Wayne Seymour) 等开发商正在创建这些社区,其中高达 20% 的土地与住房一起专门用于农业。 Developers like Steve Grist, Tom Smith, and Wayne Seymour are creating these communities, where up to 20% of the land is dedicated to agriculture alongside housing. 农业旨在将居民与粮食生产更密切地联系起来,提供可持续的住房解决办法。 Agrihoods aim to connect residents more closely with food production, offering a sustainable housing solution.