帕克兰的一名妇女因谋杀丈夫而被捕。 据报告,她承认刺伤了丈夫。 A woman from Parkland was arrested for the murder of her husband, whom she reportedly confessed to stabbing.
一名来自帕克兰的52岁的妇女因二级谋杀罪被捕,因为副警长发现她身上沾满鲜血,走在街上,要求帮助。 A 52-year-old woman from Parkland was arrested for second-degree murder after deputies found her covered in blood, walking down the street and asking for help. 她62岁的丈夫被发现死在他们家外面,据报道,她供认刺伤了他。 Her 62-year-old husband was found dead outside their home, and she reportedly confessed to stabbing him. 皮尔斯郡警署正与侦探和法医专家 一起调查现场 The Pierce County Sheriff's Department is investigating the scene with detectives and forensic experts.