萨勒曼国王启动了利雅得新的地铁, 将成为世界上最大的单阶段无驾驶员系统。 King Salman launched Riyadh's new metro, set to be the world's largest single-phase driverless system.
萨勒曼国王为利雅得地铁的第一阶段揭幕,这是旨在改造利雅得运输系统的一个重大公共交通项目。 King Salman inaugurated the first phase of the Riyadh Metro, a major public transport project aimed at transforming Riyadh's transportation system. 地铁由6条线路组成,横跨176公里,85个站点,3条线定于12月1日开通。 The metro comprises six lines spanning 176 kilometers and 85 stations, with three lines set to open on December 1. 一旦全面投入运行,它将成为世界上最大的单阶段地铁和最长的无司机系统,旨在载运360万乘客。 Once fully operational, it will be the world's largest single-phase metro and longest driverless system, designed to carry up to 3.6 million passengers. 该项目符合沙特阿拉伯《2030年愿景》关于可持续发展和减少碳排放的目标。 The project aligns with Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030 goals for sustainable development and reducing carbon emissions.