加纳副总统的司机是一名经过训练的电动公共汽车女搬运工,促进两性平等和绿色运输。 Ghana's Vice President was driven by a trained female head porter in an electric bus, promoting gender equality and green transport.
11月27日, 加纳副总统马哈穆杜·巴武米亚(Mahamudu Bawumia)博士乘坐电动巴士, 由一位女性搬运工Kayayei驾驶, On November 27th, Ghana's Vice President, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, was driven in an electric bus by a Kayayei, a female head porter who had been trained to drive as part of a government program. 该倡议旨在通过改善处于社会边缘地位妇女的工作前景,使加纳运输部门现代化,使其拥有可持续的车辆,从而增强她们的能力。 This initiative aims to empower marginalized women by improving their job prospects and modernizing Ghana's transport sector with sustainable vehicles. 该方案和电动公交车被视为迈向一个更具包容性和环境友好型社会的步骤。 The program and electric buses are seen as steps towards a more inclusive and environmentally friendly society.