警方为失踪的Esex man Cumali Turhan寻找垃圾填埋地,据信他被谋杀;两名嫌疑人与他有联系,一人逃跑。 Police search landfill for missing Essex man Cumali Turhan, believed murdered; two suspects linked, one fled.
Essex警察正在搜索一个填埋场, 寻找Cumali Turhan的尸体, Essex Police are searching a landfill site for the body of Cumali Turhan, a 45-year-old man last seen on November 19 at a pub in Chelmsford. Turhan据信被谋杀,一个名叫Ciprian Ilie的人被指控协助罪犯和阻止合法埋葬。 Turhan is believed to have been murdered, and a man named Ciprian Ilie has been charged with assisting an offender and preventing lawful burial. 另一名嫌疑人已逃离该国。 Another suspect has fled the country. 警方正在集中处理垃圾填埋场的5,000平方米面积,并敦促公众不要进行投机。 Police are focusing on a 5,000 square meter area of the landfill site and have urged the public to refrain from speculation.