五人在印度被捕, 罪名是GST骗局给政府造成60万卢比损失, Five individuals arrested in India for a GST scam causing Rs 60 lakh loss to the government.
五人在印度Rajkot被捕,罪名是伪造货物和服务税骗局,涉及欺诈交易和伪造账单。 Five individuals were arrested in Rajkot, India, for a fake goods and services tax (GST) scam involving fraudulent transactions and fake bills. 经济犯罪联队对14个地点进行了搜查,涉及Parmar企业和DA企业等公司,后者与记者Mahesh Langa有联系。 The Economic Offences Wing conducted searches at 14 locations, implicating companies like Parmar Enterprises and DA Enterprises, the latter linked to journalist Mahesh Langa. 骗局给政府造成了大约60万卢比的财政损失。 The scam caused a financial loss of about Rs 60 lakh to the government. Langa面临多次保释拒绝,一个案件有待高等法院裁决。 Langa faces multiple bail rejections, with one case pending a high court decision.