科学家们揭示了 射精黄瓜是如何利用压力 发射种子的 每秒65英尺 Scientists reveal how the squirting cucumber uses pressure to launch its seeds up to 65 feet per second.
来自牛津大学和曼彻斯特大学的科学家们已经揭晓了喷黄瓜是如何使用高速照相机和数学模型发射种子的。 Scientists from the University of Oxford and Manchester have unveiled how the squirting cucumber launches its seeds using high-speed cameras and mathematical models. 黄瓜随着成熟在内部形成压力,使其以最佳角度倾斜。 The cucumber builds pressure inside as it matures, causing it to tilt at an optimal angle. 当它爆炸时,它喷射的种子高达每秒65英尺,将种子散布到大片地区。 When it bursts, it ejects seeds up to 65 feet per second, dispersing them over a wide area. 这种高效率的传播战略可以激发新的技术,例如药物供应系统。 This efficient dispersal strategy could inspire new technologies like drug delivery systems.