Oscar Benn,27岁,因严重殴打一名无家可归的妇女而被捕,在监视中被捕。 Oscar Benn, 27, arrested for severe assault on a homeless woman, captured on surveillance.
Oscar Benn, 27岁,来自阿尔塔迪纳,11月14日因9月22日在圣莫尼卡严重殴打一名25岁无家可归的妇女而被捕。 Oscar Benn, a 27-year-old from Altadena, was arrested on November 14 for the severe assault of a 25-year-old homeless woman in Santa Monica on September 22. 这次袭击造成面部创伤和勒死迹象,被监视录像捕获。 The attack, which caused facial trauma and signs of strangulation, was captured on surveillance footage. Benn是在公开举报后被发现并被控谋杀未遂的。 Benn was identified following a public tip and charged with attempted murder. 他有因殴打和入室盗窃而被逮捕的历史。 He has a history of prior arrests for assault and burglary. 警方感谢社区帮助解决此案。 The police thanked the community for their help in solving the case.