印度的Subansiri低水力发电项目已接近完成,预计到2025年3月能发电。 India's Subansiri Lower Hydroelectric Project nears completion, set to generate power by March 2025.
印度阿萨姆的Subansiri低水力发电项目即将完工,预计将在2025年3月前开始发电。 The Subansiri Lower Hydroelectric Project in Assam, India, nearing completion, is set to begin power generation by March 2025. 由全国人大管理的2000兆瓦项目旨在向17个州提供能源,促进当地就业,每年创造4,000卢比。 Managed by NHPC, the 2000 MW project aims to provide energy to 17 states, boost local employment, and generate Rs 4,000 crore annually. 计划到2026年5月全面投入运行, 改善当地基础设施和生计。 Despite earlier local protests, the project, now 95-96% complete, plans to fully commission by May 2026, improving local infrastructure and livelihoods.