欧盟计划制裁中国公司和个人,支持俄罗斯在乌克兰的战争努力。 EU plans to sanction Chinese firms and individuals supporting Russia's war effort in Ukraine.
欧洲联盟正计划制裁几个中国公司和个人支持参与乌克兰冲突的俄罗斯公司,这标志着欧盟首次以这种方式针对中国实体。 The European Union is planning to sanction several Chinese firms and individuals for supporting Russian companies involved in the Ukraine conflict, marking the first time the EU is targeting Chinese entities in this way. 此举是欧盟和七国集团更广泛努力的一部分,目的是向中国和其他第三国施加压力,要求它们支持俄罗斯的战争努力。 This move is part of a broader effort by the EU and the G7 to put pressure on China and other third countries for supporting Russia's war efforts. 制裁包括资产冻结和旅行禁令,目的是限制俄罗斯油轮的使用,限制俄罗斯规避现有制裁的能力。 The sanctions include asset freezes and travel bans and aim to restrict the use of Russian oil tankers to limit Russia's ability to bypass existing sanctions.