泰米尔纳德邦内阁否认在欺诈指控中与Adani保持商业联系或秘密会面。 Tamil Nadu CM denies commercial ties or secret meetings with Adani amid fraud allegations.
泰米尔纳德邦首席部长 M.K. Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M.K. 斯大林否认国家电力公司与Adani集团之间有任何商业联系, 回应美国斯大林对Adani的欺诈和贿赂指控, 也驳回与Adani秘密会面的指控, Stalin denied any commercial ties between the state's power corporation and the Adani Group, responding to allegations of fraud and bribery against Adani in the U.S. Stalin also dismissed claims of a secret meeting with Adani, backing his electricity minister's statement. 像Seeman这样的批评者质疑Adani在州内交易的性质, 他们指控贿赂来取得合同。 Critics like Seeman question the nature of Adani's dealings in the state, amid allegations of bribery to secure contracts.