巴基斯坦旁遮普省Punjab,安装了30个空气质量监测器,以防治污染和保护公众健康。 Punjab, Pakistan, installs 30 air quality monitors to combat pollution and protect public health.
巴基斯坦旁遮普政府在首席部长Maryam Nawaz的领导下, 在拉合尔等大城市安装了30个空气质量监测器, The Punjab government in Pakistan, led by Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz, has installed 30 air quality monitors in major cities like Lahore to improve pollution monitoring and public health. 这些监测员与环境保护局和全球AQI系统相联,提供公众可检索的实时数据。 Linked to the Environmental Protection Agency and global AQI systems, these monitors provide real-time data accessible to the public. 计划在几个地区安装25个监视器. Plans are underway to install an additional 25 monitors across several regions.