新西兰的娱乐奖(2024年)表彰户外娱乐、环境管理和毛利人参与方面的领导人。 New Zealand's Recreation Awards 2024 honored leaders in outdoor recreation, environmental stewardship, and Māori engagement.
2024年娱乐奖表彰了新西兰户外娱乐业的成就,肯定了毛利人参与、环境管理和包容性的努力。 The Recreation Awards 2024 honored achievements in New Zealand's outdoor recreation industry, recognizing efforts in Māori engagement, environmental stewardship, and inclusivity. Whenua Iti Outdoors 因其 Fostering Futures 计划而获奖,该计划支持毛利青年进行户外休闲活动,而 Hazel Nash 则因其领导能力而获奖。 Whenua Iti Outdoors won for its Fostering Futures program, supporting Māori youth in outdoor recreation, while Hazel Nash received an award for her leadership. 环境领导奖颁给了Manawa Ora课程,因为它将学生与自然联系起来,其他获奖者包括新西兰帆船信托和奥克兰海皮艇,因为它们的彩虹/Takatāpui计划,以及GIRL POWA计划的第一步户外活动. The Environmental Leadership Award went to the Manawa Ora course for connecting students with nature, and other recipients included the New Zealand Sailing Trust and Auckland Sea Kayaks for their Rainbow/Takatāpui Programme, and First Step Outdoors for the GIRL POWA program.