伦敦警方在一场神秘事件后封锁了Ladbroke Grove, 细节待定。 London police cordoned off Ladbroke Grove after a mysterious incident; details pending.
警方于11月24日封锁伦敦Ladbroke Grove。 Police cordoned off Ladbroke Grove in London on November 24 after an incident. 在现场看到一架直升机和多辆配有警报器的紧急车辆,时间长达数小时。 A helicopter and multiple emergency vehicles with sirens were seen at the scene for hours. 已与大都会警察局联系征求意见,情况仍在发展之中,更多的细节正在核实之中。 The Metropolitan Police have been contacted for comment, and the situation is still developing with additional details being verified.