FEC发布2025年6个州大选竞选财务摘要,详细说明候选人财务情况。 FEC releases campaign finance summaries for 2025 General Elections in six states, detailing candidate finances.
联邦选举委员会为新墨西哥州、马萨诸塞州、阿拉斯加州、俄亥俄州、怀俄明州和明尼苏达州等州2025年大选提供了竞选资金摘要。 The Federal Election Commission (FEC) provides campaign finance summaries for the 2025 General Elections in several states, including New Mexico, Massachusetts, Alaska, Ohio, Wyoming, and Minnesota. 候选人的FEC识别号码、最新的收款和付款报告、收款总额和付款总额摘要。 The summaries detail candidates' FEC identification numbers, their latest Report of Receipts and Disbursements, total receipts, and total disbursements. 候选人在5 000美元或5 000美元以下的筹款或支出豁免于报告。 Candidates raising or spending $5,000 or less are exempt from reporting. 更多详情可在FEC总结报告的链接中找到. A link to the FEC's Summary Report is provided for more details.