Archie Manning对Jack Harbaugh表示同情, 因为他的儿子Jim和John, 在一个关键的NFL游戏中再次面朝下。 Archie Manning expresses empathy for Jack Harbaugh as his sons, Jim and John, face off again in a crucial NFL game.
Archie Manning的儿子Peyton和Eli在NFL对抗, 他同情Jack Harbaugh, 他的儿子Jim和John将在本周一第三次互相训导对方。 Archie Manning, whose sons Peyton and Eli faced off in the NFL, empathizes with Jack Harbaugh, whose sons Jim and John will coach against each other for the third time this Monday. Harbaugh 兄弟的球队 Chargers 和 Ravens 都在争夺季后赛席位。 The Harbaugh brothers' teams, the Chargers and Ravens, are both competing for playoff spots. Archie指出,为了一个儿子而不是另一个儿子而欢呼并不容易。 Archie noted it wasn't easy to cheer for one son over the other. Jack Harbaugh将庆祝他的第63个结婚纪念日,而不是参加比赛。 Jack Harbaugh will celebrate his 63rd wedding anniversary instead of attending the game.