中国新疆的村民从沙漠迁移到新地点, 改善服务, 增加收入。 Villagers in China's Xinjiang moved from a desert to a new site, improving services and boosting incomes.
中国西北新疆的Daliyabuyi村村民于2019年从Taklimakan沙漠迁至县所在地附近的一个新地点, 改善民众获得交通、医疗及教育等基本服务的机会。 Villagers from Daliyabuyi in northwest China's Xinjiang moved in 2019 from the Taklimakan Desert to a new site near the county seat, improving access to basic services like transportation, healthcare, and education. 重新安置还导致通过合作社和旅游,包括沙漠勘探,提高了收入。 The resettlement has also led to higher incomes through cooperatives and tourism, including desert exploration. 旧村址现已成为旅游景点,为当地人提供了进一步的经济机会。 The old village site is now a tourist attraction, offering further economic opportunities for locals.